Our Commitment to Responsible Operations

P&I Energy is committed to safe, efficient, and effective exploration of oil and natural gas reserves.

Safety of the environment, our employees, and the communities in the region is our top priority


Traditional Methods of Well Exploration & Production

Traditional methods of log data interpretation used for conventional reservoirs are not applicable to shale plays.  As a result, 95% of oil from shale plays in the Permian Basin is left in the ground and two-thirds of fracks produce no oil. 

Operators have been developing shale deposits using a geometrical approach trying to frack and drill everything.

This approach results in: 

  • Fracking low producing zones

  • Missing the best zones

  • Drilling low producing horizontal wells

P&I Energy Approach - Reduced Environmental Impact

P&I Energy plans to utilize the best and proven technology in the industry to determine where to frack vertical wells and where to drill horizontal wells in order to optimize field development.  In the Permian Basin and other shale reservoirs such at the Eagle Ford Shale Trend in Texas, this procedure could improve well production for vertical wells at least 20%  and up to 5 times and reduced fracking costs by as much as 80%.  For horizontal wells, the increase in production could be up to 12 times, by selective fracturing.  Using the latest proven procedures in the industry could also reduce the amount of water injection in formations, which has great positive environmental impact. 

Overview of Hydraulic Fracturing Process

Image Courtesy of Al Granberg & ProPublica

Image Courtesy of Al Granberg & ProPublica


Frac Fluid Content

U.S. Frac Sand Production

U.S. Frac Sand Production

frac sand

U.S frac sand production in millions of metric tons has seen a dramatic rise due to the increased drilling in shale reservoirs.  This has resulted in the need to develop new proppants for the fracking process and new procedures.  Regardless this tends to rise with conventional development which normally requires fracking in stages through out the vertical well column.

Fresh Water Requirements

Fresh Water Requirements

frac water

Fracking requires 5 - 8 million gallons of Fresh Water mixed with Sand and Chemicals per well.  This has resulted in the need to develop new methods for water clean up and disposal.  New technologies are being employed to allow the storage and reuse of the frac water for conservation purposes.

Various Proppants used in FrackingSource: OPF Enterpriseshttp://ontheplantfloor.com/proppants/

Various Proppants used in Fracking

Source: OPF Enterprises


Composition of Frac Fluid

Composition of Frac Fluid

Frac Proppant

Frac proppants are available in many sizes and materials, from naturally occurring sands to manufactured spheres made from ceramic and other materials.  Frac sand used in the Permian Basin is mined and mobilized from distant sources in Michigan and Canada.

Frac Fluid

Frac fluid has generally been the use of fresh water combined with frac proppants and chemicals.  Although Propane has been used, the most usage is from fresh water, mixed with sand and chemicals.


Frac Operations and Logistics

Hydraulic Fracturing or "fracking" involves the injection of more than a million gallons of water, sand and chemicals at high pressure.  Roughly 200 tanker trucks deliver water for the fracturing process.  A pumper truck injects a mix of sand, chemicals and water into the well during the process.  Oil flows out of the well and directed to storage tanks where trucks pick up the oil and transport to a pipeline for delivery.  Water flows out of the well and is collected in open pits and later transported by truck to a treatment plant and later disposed or reused.  This involves a large logistical involvement of materials, equipment and manpower resources.  P&I Energy selective fracturing in the best production zones could cut the amount of "fracking" by up to 80%.

Pumper Trucks at Frac Site

Pumper Trucks at Frac Site

Storage Silos of Frac Sand

Storage Silos of Frac Sand

Rail Cars of Frac Sand

Rail Cars of Frac Sand

Convoy of Water Trucks

Convoy of Water Trucks

Using the latest developments in the industry in shale reservoirs, P&I Energy plans to create additional benefits beyond increased production.

We are Production & Innovation.

Fewer chemicals entering geological formation.

Potential for ground water pollution is decreased.

Overall demand for frack water drastically reduced.